Hey! I wrote couple posts about patterns (strategy, decorator and template). This list can not be complete without Factory Method pattern.

Hi there. Today we will discover Dependency Injection (DI). To understand all benefits of dependency injection we should understand why dependencies are bad.

Hi, today we will continue learning new patterns (see also: decorator and template). This time we will go through very popular pattern - Strategy.

Recently I wrote about template pattern. Today I would like to talk about another useful pattern - decorator.

Today I would like to show by simple example how to use template pattern in Ruby.

I'm sure you will find many ways of using that pattern in your application.

There is a great principle in object-oriented programming which says: "Tell, Don't Ask".

This principle tells that we should not ask object about their state, make decision and only then tell them what to do. Rather we should send commands.

There is a good quote about that:

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