Archive of March 2017

Uncle Bob (Robert C Martin) said:

Date frameworks, but not to marry them.

Many Ruby/Rails developers married to Rails. This article will show how to start dating with Rails.

Hi guys! I've been digging into ideas of Domain-Driven Design for a while and decided to share one cool pattern that I found in book: "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software" by Eric Evans (The Blue Book). If you haven't read this book yet - do that. Twice. Because it's so hard to get all concepts first time :) In this book Eric Evans describes Specification pattern which can make application more flexible. Today we're going to learn how to implement it.

Let's take a break from long reads and discuss something that Ruby-developers use every day. We're going to discuss exceptions. At first sight exceptions in Ruby look as relatively simple concept. But there are couple caveats.

Hi. Today we're going to learn about UnboundMethod in Ruby and create Sinatra-like DSL. Ruby is so powerful that allows us to unbound method from class or module and bind it to existing object. I know that might sound a bit complicated, but it allows to create incredibly powerful features.